Ick: The Common Cold in Fish

What is Ick?

Ich is the most common disease in the aquarium. It may be easiest to think of as the fish version of getting a cold. We’re going to take a simplified look at the progression of the disease in freshwater fish and discuss treatment options. Caused by the protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifilis, the presence of this parasite is so prevalent that fish are pretty adept at fighting it off. It generally gains a foothold only if the fish is stressed and its immune system is compromised.

But Why?

This most frequently happens as a result of temperature fluctuation. Remember, these are cold blooded animals reliant on their environment to regulate their internal temperature. Temperature drops in particular seem to stress our fish and make them susceptible to Ich. When the protozoan begins attacking the flesh of a fish, the fish forms a cyst around the parasite in order to prevent its spread. While encased in the cyst, medications cannot reach the protozoan and are ineffective. This is the point at which the disease is visible to the human eye, as we can see the cysts on the body of the fish. Inside the cyst, the parasite is reproducing until such time that there are so many that the cyst bursts, releasing the parasites into the water column. While they are in the water column searching for another host, they are susceptible to medications.

How to do I treat it?

There are a number of medications available to treat infections. Garlic Power added to your fishes food is a great option in prevention! Stop by the shop and be sure to tell your salesperson about every fish in your tank. Some fish are sensitive to certain medications so they’ll need a full list to recommend the right product for you.


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